The second series of the US/UK 2023 WWArt portraits started after the successful exhibition in the British Embassy in Washington DC. Some squares were already taken during the first exhibition by people who had the chance to be at the British Embassy event in Washington
DC. There square will be part of the second series planned to be exhibited in London at the U.S. Embassy & Consulates. The preparations and logistics of the project can be challenging and unfortunately we had to delay the exhibition. We are now halfway into 2024 and I apologise for not updating my website and staying in touch with the participants.

I have not forgotten all of you and I want to assure you that the WWArt project is continuing. I am spreading the last 12 blank squares at the moment around the UK and the group of completed squares made in the U.S will be posted to me this week so that the assembling
process can start.

I will also try to highlight a square each week on Instagram and Facebook, picked out from earlier portraits or part of the upcoming series, to look deeper into the details of the painting. There is a message and person behind each square, with a story to tell. We all have a story.

By sharing the stories we can help others. It might touch you, or make you see things in a different light. You might feel the same or have an averse reaction to it. Whatever it is, I hope it will make you feel, think and stand still for a moment. To reflect on the paradox of the individual and the society. Alan Watts explains in ‘The Book’ that society reinforces the mandate for Western individualism by using expressions like “Be yourself,” or “That’s not like you.” Watts writes that everything about a person is transferred to them from society—our genetics, our cultural beliefs, our language—yet Western society tells people they’re separate individuals and how
this harms people and the environment.

I would like to reinforce again that taking part in the WWArt project does not mean you have to be able to paint. Any kind of expression on the canvas is possible and encouraged. You can write, knit, glue or put any kind of material on the canvas to relay your message. I would
love you to join. What do Love and Fear mean to you?

And more good news…. Taking part in the WWArt project is FREE!

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Jolanda Aucott

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