Thanks from AnnMarie. After an amazing month of intense coordination and completion of Uniting The World Through Art with the World Wide Art Project by Jolanda Aucott and our British Embassy Allied Art exhibition, we are determined to improve our social media and communication with everyone. Thanks to everyone for participating in this and other Uniting US programs!

We’ve been invited back by the Ambassador and Embassy senior leadership! Great work by everyone that made this event possible. With an extreme amount of effort and patience, Tiffany, Rob Leese, and Jolanda managed to knock out the impossible feat including keeping me out of trouble with no international incidents! Also, thanks to everyone else who created artwork, joined us in the community art project (more info and opportunities to come), and is part of our amazing community.

Please take a minute to go to our social media channels and make sure you are following Uniting US and provide ratings and likes if appropriate. The British Embassy is doing a huge effort to recognize Uniting US, World Wide Arts Project, and our military, veteran, family members, and supporters.

AnnMarie Halterman, Uniting US

Contact Us

Jolanda Aucott

One Comment

  1. James R. Johnson May 27, 2023 at 6:01 pm - Reply

    Appreciate this post. Will try it out.

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